About Call Me Ishmael
Named after one of my favourite literary character, CALL ME ISHMAEL is filled to the brim with bright bold colours, pop culture references (from classic to niche), social themes & fantasy. I don’t want to make art that is snooty, elite or dull, but joyful, accessible & even at times a tad capricious. A little reminder not to take oneself too seriously & to always celebrate the things that make us believe in magic.
I'd say I'm from everywhere & nowhere at the same time, which is a feeling anyone who's immigrated multiple times would relate to, I think. I've had the privilege of living in so many beautiful places which has taken me on a journey through London (UK), Bretagne (France), Cape Town (South Africa) & now Walyalup in Western Australia with my kids & partner. Pieces of me have been left behind in all those places, & I have pieces of all those places as part of me forever, everywhere I go.
I love supporting the little guy, the artisanal talents of the world & know how important shopping small, shopping ethical & shopping slow is. So THANK YOU for being here! Enjoy browsing around & don't hesitate to get in touch for custom orders or questions. Everything is painted or drawn by hand, printed here in Australia & my packaging is designed to be super gentle on Mother Earth. Fine art illustrations for the whole family.
These illustrations are the fruits of hours & decades of perfecting my craft & I'm deeply grateful that I get to do it as a means of making a living. Thank you for your patronage. Welcome to my store, I hope you like it.
- Megs